Patrice Evra se livre sur la religion « Plus je vieillis et plus je me pose des questions »

21 août 2017 - 16h00 - Télévision - Ecrit par : Rédaction LeGossip

D’habitude réticent à l’idée de parler de ce sujet, Patrice Evra a fait un longue déclaration sur la religion, plus particulièrement sur l’Islam, sur son fil Instragram.

« J’aimerais simplement dire mon opinion suite aux récents évènements et par rapport à la religion », écrit-il en référence aux attentats de Catalogne revendiqués par Daesh. Je parle six langues et ai été élevé en tant que Catholique, mais je tiens aussi à apprendre des autres religions ».

« En ce moment, j’apprends l’Islam et lis le Coran. Plus je vieillis et plus je me pose des questions. (...) Certaines personnes utilisent la religion pour créer la guerre ou pour tuer des innocents partout dans le monde.

Certaines personnes sont manipulées par une vision déformée de la religion, certains dirigeants, certains médias veulent créer de la haine autour de certaines religions », ajoute l’international français de la Juventus de Turin.
« Ce que je veux dire, c’est qu’avant de juger une personne ou une religion, apprenez-en davantage », indique-t-il par ailleurs.

" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">I would just like to say my opinion about what's happening in this moment and about religion. I speak 6 languages, I've been raised as a catholic but I also want to learn about every religion just as I want to learn many languages. I'm learning about Islam at the moment and I'm reading the Quran. The more I grow up the more I'm asking questions to myself, I believe in God I believe in Jesus, so why I shouldn't believe in prophet Mohammed. Some people use religion to create war or to kill innocent people all over the world. Some people are manipulated with a distorted view of religion, some leaders, some media want to create hate around certain what I want to say is, before you judge somebody or judge a religion is learn about it. I say it again Islam is such a beautiful religion it's about peace, it's about helping each other. . We need to stop reading the media. God didn't create us to kill innocent people. We all have a purpose and I want to bring more positivity and more happiness and we only live once and if we are here it's because God wants us to do something. I play football and I have worked hard so I can help others, I have 400 kids in Senegal and I hope to open more things all around the world, I don't want any compliment for that but I know what I have been put on this planet to do and that is to be the best human being I can. Whatever your situation, you can always be the best human being you can. For me that is the perfect religion... being a good human being. To be religious isn't just to pray it's in the way you act. I will pray with every religion church in a mosque, in a Synagogue, I will meditate, I'm not lost im just open, we all pray to the same God. I believe it teaches you to know about yourself better, about your spirit and you see the world in a different way. Stop the hate, stop being scared about things you don't know. Stop the terrorism. Respect every religion and if you are scared of a certain religion... instead of being scared try to learn about it and listen before you make any judgement. I know this is just my opinion, and this world needs more act than wise words...

Une publication partagée par Patrice Evra (@patrice.evra) le

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